Today is 12 years since 9/11 happened. It's a moment which I'll never forget. I was at school when news broke of the tragedy. a little while later. we were sent home. when I got home, both towers were already hit and my mother had the news on and was understandably upset. so was I. My hearts and prayers are with the 2,958 people and their families that were killed on this horrific day. (I'm not including the 19 hijackers because they did this but I will include the families of the 19 hijackers, because I don't think they would approve such an despicable act of cruelty)
I want to know what you were doing on this horrific day. because 12 years ago, this started out as any other day. where were you? were you in school like I was? if so, did you also get sent home? everyone is free to comment, but only about where you were on 9/11. however any troll comments will be deleted and anyone who tries to troll will be blocked.