Constantine Chernobyl's channel is gone. try going to it, and you'll be hit with the 404 Not Found message. now that that asshole is out of business, we now need to go after batdansucks and his blog. and it's because of this that I'm no longer gonna be doing Constantine Chernobyl Comments. instead, I'm going after the BatDan Sucks Blog. And this blog will be renamed BatDanSucks Sucks Blog. that is all people. have a nice day people. Here's my final message to batdanmn, (aka CC) your reign of stupidity and arrogance is finally over.
EDIT: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news can be summed up in just this comment:
"Nope not gonna send a virus to him. You may have noticed that
I’m deliberately playing dumb and have actually insulted Irate Gamer
several times in my articles. Internet goers must be really used to
Irate Gamer and his fan’s insanity if I can write completely nonsensical
bullshit and be taken seriously. Yeah I just said that, please piece
together what just happened and look forward to the end of this blog.
P.S. I do not even know the IP address of Mr. Kill Ultra."
Yes you read that correctly, we got trolled hard. so the attack on the BatDan Sucks Blog is called off.
the bad news however is that the artist formerly known as Constantine Chernobyl is back. It seems that his reign of stupidity and arrogance is far from over. (also, his irrational hatred for TGWTG and AVGN)