Saturday, June 1, 2013

I have fantastic news everybody!

Constantine Chernobyl's channel is gone. try going to it, and you'll be hit with the 404 Not Found message. now that that asshole is out of business, we now need to go after batdansucks and his blog. and it's because of this that I'm no longer gonna be doing Constantine Chernobyl Comments. instead, I'm going after the BatDan Sucks Blog. And this blog will be renamed BatDanSucks Sucks Blog. that is all people. have a nice day people. Here's my final message to batdanmn, (aka CC) your reign of stupidity and arrogance is finally over.

EDIT: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news can be summed up in just this comment:

"Nope not gonna send a virus to him. You may have noticed that I’m deliberately playing dumb and have actually insulted Irate Gamer several times in my articles. Internet goers must be really used to Irate Gamer and his fan’s insanity if I can write completely nonsensical bullshit and be taken seriously. Yeah I just said that, please piece together what just happened and look forward to the end of this blog.

P.S. I do not even know the IP address of Mr. Kill Ultra."

Yes you read that correctly, we got trolled hard. so the attack on the BatDan Sucks Blog is called off.

the bad news however is that the artist formerly known as Constantine Chernobyl is back. It seems that his reign of stupidity and arrogance is far from over. (also, his irrational hatred for TGWTG and AVGN)


  1. Such a lovely way to start off the morning.

  2. Thank god. I bet the channel was terminated for all the scams CC did. Let's hope Assalieri kicks the bucket for betraying his deal to tear apart anyone on TGWTG or not knowing AVGn wasn't intending to support or enforce e-begging.

    Oh, and betraying all his criticism on Bores to befriend him and continue posting more attacks onto AVGN.

  3. Is it Christmas already? What a wonderful presents to get.

  4. I think I shall break out the bubbly in celebration.

  5. He'll probably just make a new account..

    1. even if he does, I'm done with him. I mean he's gonna just keep attacking James Rolfe for no fucking reason. Asalieri I'm not even gonna touch because his actions speak louder than words. and fwanksajerk, just forget it. he can claim I bitched out all he wants to. It's not gonna make it true. I'll keep this blog up because I'm gonna be going after batdansuck's blog next. tune in to see when I'm going to be doing his post. (and it's not gonna be using the new format either)

    2. and by Asa's actions, I mean him betraying all his criticism on Bores to befriend him and continue posting more attacks on James Rolfe.

    3. Now he claims that you "bitched out".

    4. of course he fucking does. I don't care. however If I find his new channel, I may consider bringing it back. (under a different name of course)

  6. Should you even go after the Batdansucks blog. It looks like they're gonna kill themselves.

  7. About you're plans on attacking the Batdan Sucks blog, Lasersquad, the blog's author, just admitted he was trolling the whole time:


    June 2, 2013 at 2:00 am

    Nope not gonna send a virus to him. You may have noticed that I’m deliberately playing dumb and have actually insulted Irate Gamer several times in my articles. Internet goers must be really used to Irate Gamer and his fan’s insanity if I can write completely nonsensical bullshit and be taken seriously. Yeah I just said that, please piece together what just happened and look forward to the end of this blog.

    P.S I do not even know the ip address of Mr.Killultra"

    Don't believe me? Here's the source:

    1. Oh my god! lasersquasd, I tip my hat to you. you sure had me fooled lol.

  8. Time to start watching Joseph sink another channel.

  9. I don't get how you would false-flag Constantine Chernobyl. I mean, that guy posts fake videos all the time for TGWTG and AVGN, and everyone doesn't fall for it. Isn't doing such a thing like that considered illegal?

    1. Pretty much but don't bother trying to tell constantin he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer especially considering he probably thinks his account got removed because of comments and not videos. By the by what is with the name below the videos on his new channel?

  10. Spread this shit everywhere.

  11. Wait a second something is not adding up constatin said that his account got removed because of community guideline strikes how did he make another account? Of course it might not be legal so well I think you can do the math.

  12. Guys, check this out:

    Asalieri exposed for his bullshit.

  13. I probably shouldn't go and see constantin's comment on his channel I could very well end up causing major health problems to myself. Doesn't help I already have something that doesn't quite work the way it should.

    1. Don't bother, He's just quoting Lasersquad demonstrating the very point that lasersquad had him pegged for. Quoting someone does not equal owning them... only a delusional fool thinks that quoting someone counts as anything unless the quote is self-demonstrating. Oh and he calls Lasersquad a lolcow, because that's an insult now right?

      Just relax, edrama is pointless and lame. The human race has always been riddled with members who lack humility and intelligence. We don't need the internet to prove that.

    2. Well the thing is just reading his attempts feels like it is making my blood pressure rise which would not be a good thing considering my condition. So it is very possible that I could accidentally kill myself reading what he types.
