Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Update time

Due to real life getting in the way, I'm afraid that Constantine Chernobyl Comments #10 is gonna be delayed for a while. (inb4 CC says I bitched out even though I didn't) In the meantime. you can enjoy the drama that is Asalieri making a very mean spirited video about Lewis Lovhaug (A.K.A. Linkara) in which he says he has no nice things to say about him and that Lewis has no redeeming qualities outright demonizing him for trying to earn a paycheck. there's a difference in calling someone out for their bullshit (like what BatDan does with the Irate Gamer) to just outright DEMONIZING them (like what Asa did with Lewis) and now Archfiend joined in and sent his fanboys after him. and said fanboys sent DEATH THREATS AND HATE MAIL.

Archfiend didn't condemn this or call his fanboys out on it, which utterly disgusts me. also Asalieri also said that he was gonna stay away from TGWTG. way to back out on your word dipshit. I like your work Asa, but even I have to call you out on bullshit like this. inb4 CC says that "as soon as Asa goes after someone I like, I turn against him." not true at all. If the roles were reversed, I would be directing this shit at Lewis instead. If Lewis in turn demonizes Asalieri, I'll call him out then. two wrongs don't make a right Lewis Lovhaug. also Lewis, I strongly suggest you make a calm video response to both Asa and Archfiend without demonizing them. Have a great day everybody.

P.S. have a new IG Sucks post:


EDIT: I'll be recruiting someone to go after the BatDan Sucks Blog. that blog needs to be debunked and discredited for good. I'll especially go after lasersquad, seeing as how he admitted to sending someone a virus and hoping their computer gets infected. that doesn't sit well with me. batdansucks, if you condone someone sending a virus to someone else, your blog will be automatically discredited, and you will all be labeled as IG fanboys that send viruses to anyone that doesn't agree with them. I'm sure you don't want that to happen. the choice is yours batdansucks. either fire lasersquad, or prepare to have your entire blog discredited.

EDIT 2: fwanksajerk is an idiot

I wrote:

"I'll especially go after lasersquad, seeing as how he admitted to sending someone a virus and hoping their computer gets infected. that doesn't sit well with me. batdansucks, if you condone someone sending a virus to someone else, your blog will be automatically discredited, and you will all be labeled as IG fanboys that send viruses to anyone that doesn't agree with them. I'm sure you don't want that to happen. the choice is yours batdansucks. either fire lasersquad, or prepare to have your entire blog discredited."

His reply:

"Oh, but doc-dropping sits well with Super Brony. LOL. Pot, meet kettle."

My response:

Jumping to conclusions are we? who said anything about dropping dox? If you want to know what I meant fwank, what I meant was critiquing and debunking the blog, therefore discrediting it. where on earth did your stupid ass conclude that discredited = dropping dox? also, If you are referring to that pastebin paste which confirms CC's dox, the only other paste regarding dox I pasted on there is all the members of the Westboro Baptist Church's dox. (courtesy of Anonymous) other than those two pastes, there are no one else's dox on there.

EDIT 3: fwanksajerk continues to think he won:

His arrogant reply:

"By your reasoning, sending a virus discredits a blog, while you condone doc-dropping. Therefore, your own blog and anyone who associates with you is discredited. 2+2=4. :D"

My response:

I actually meant it the other way around. so I ask once again, where on earth did your stupid ass conclude that dropping dox = discredited? (inb4 fwanksajerk claims damage control, even though that's not what I'm doing) and btw, dropping dox does not discredit my blog, however sending a virus does discredit batdansuck's blog.


  1. inb4 CC? Dude hasn't been active for 2 weeks. Think he had an intervention?

    1. just in case he does comes back (but that's a pretty big "just in case" though)

  2. Does he have a new account or is he dead for good this time?

    1. no Idea yet. but let's hope we can shut him and the BatDan Sucks Blog up forever.

  3. To be honest,I wouldn't be surprised if that blog doesn't make it much longer. I mean, really, BatDanSucks really has done nothing but put out shitty material, along with misspellings, and his lazy writing style just makes it look like he's putting so little effort into it anyways. I also see that the entire thing has a total of about 20 comments, and 12 of them were from 1 entry, which I'm fairly certain is the one you're mentioning where lasersquad said that about sending a virus to Mr.Kill Ultra. I'm calling that it won't last through this year.

    1. It's actually this one:


      it has 3 comments, but it's the entry where lasersquad said that he sent a virus to Mr. Kill Ultra and hopes he gets infected.

    2. but if it does last through this year, I'll be shocked.

    3. If you're referring to this post:


      It only hints that he is going to send a virus Mr. Kill Ultra's way. the entry I posted earlier confirmed that lasersquad sent a virus to him.

    4. What's funny is he claims that doc-dropping discredits your blog, while ignoring the fact the only doc-dropping done on this blog was of him. I asked him how you doc-dropping him discredits this blog when it's about him. Knowing him, he'll probably delete that comment and ignore what was said and keep trying to claim that by doing that it discredits this blog.

    5. Well, I can see it didn't take him long to delete the comments that I posted. It's so funny watching Joseph doing damage control.
