Friday, November 15, 2013

Buggin is a terrible person.

I think it is about time I make another post. Just so people know I will try and do a post every week. Anyway on to the idiocy of buggin:

"signed Ladybuggin? MrsKillUltra is so delusional he pretends to speak for me.  Not sure why MrsKillUltra is pretending to homophobic as he has been batdannights butt buddy for years? Must be he is actually jealous that IG has a real girlfriend which is something MrsKillUltra has failed at succeeding to accomplish. Even MrsKillUltra's own mother replied " I prefer to just be friends,"  when MrsKillUltra asked her if she loved him ..... lmao ~  (thanks Jabba for the original joke. I took the liberty to revise it and post :D)  ~ ~ ~"

First of all he was imitating how you present arguments, all of which are utter crap. Second considering Contanstin's logic is that if you use something like the second sentence to insult someone you are homophobic so you are not one to talk buggin. Third why even bring up that Chris has a girlfriend especially when Ultra has stated previously that he is focusing on his studies, something Chris would never understand. Fourth stop bringing other's mothers into your arguments. Fifth I am honestly surprised you gave someone credit for once. Oh and keep it in your pants no one wants to see that.

Yeesh, how in the world did buggin even get married if this is how she acts? Anyway that's it for me for this week, maybe. May the sun be with you.

Edit: Wow Jonathan is also incredibly stupid:

"I love how Micharion is doing everything he can to avoid addressing the fact that Mr.Kill Ultra is a homophobic bigot (or self-hating  homosexual in the closet) with what he posted in"

Left out the link but for those curious his beef is with something that he thinks Ultra said in the contra video plot section of the irategamerdoesnotsuck wiki. Point is there was nothing said there that can be misconstrued as homophobic unless you are an idiot. Oh and he also says the buggin is free of any wrong doing except buggin used that whole butt buddy thing which is almost exactly what Constatin said that if someone used to insult someone then they are homophobic.

Edit Part 2, Electric Boogaloo (sorry couldn't resist): It has come to my attention that the line in particular was by an anonymous edit, [yeah that is not suspicious at all(sarcasm)], Mr. Kill Ultra never said anything about it. Also since I know you read this buggin May the sun be with you is a line from Boktai which is something that you should have been clued in onto considering my avatar is Sabata who is a main character. Just be glad I haven't started saying taiyoh yet.


  1. The 'Chris is a faggot' statement on the wiki page was added in by an unknown contributor. I had no part in calling Chris a faggot.

  2. "Even MrsKillUltra's own mother replied " I prefer to just be friends,""
    Hey wait a second... Chris? Are you saying incest is okay?
