Sunday, November 10, 2013

Assumption and Egotism Overload 2: Jabba D'Fatski Edition

Brace yourselves people, for we are going up against LadyBuggin777's bitch Jabba D'Fatski. here's some egotism from the boy himself:

"Since we're playing e-sleuth here, check out what I noticed. :D

Mr.Kill Ultra Wrote: "Huh that is very interesting to note. Batdamn didn't give half a shit when he got IP traced, its not like he would anyway he was on vacation at the time he got traced. Batdamn DID give a shit when his IP address was traced from the wiki. Yet this new account just won't shut the fuck up about the IP tracking. Of course it would make sense for it to be Chris considering that Chris doesn't bother to check if his alibi works before using it."

Lasersquad Wrote: From what I know Batdamn didn’t give half a shit about my Ip trace of him. It makes sense to me, he was on vacation to the Philippines. To me it seems that Joe may have finally found something better to do with his life. And unlike most usages of that sentence, the words ‘NOT!’ has not been used. Batdamn did seem to give a shit when he was tracked by Dynamite Ninja though.

Doesn't those two comments sound... familiar? :D Almost as if it was written by the same person... :D"
that doesn't prove squat boy. Must I bring up DcMaster's screencap?

"Another e-sleuth observation of mine: Mr. Kill Ultra hasn't been editing the IG Wiki for the past three months. Since September 7, 2013, in fact. Meanwhile, since September 12, 2013 and onward, Lasersquad has been quite the busy bee when it comes to defaming Asalieri's good name. Also take note that Mr. Kill Ultra is the guy who posted this:

"As for Asa... dudes got like 5,000 subscribers in like what? Years of operation? At this point I believe people watch him for his stupidity. Take a look at gamegrumps, they started last year and hit 800,000. Frankomatic has hit 8,000 and he doesn't do anything inflammatory or insult people."

Now I know why Mr. Kill Ultra hasn't been making his updates on the IG Wiki that barely anyone even from the Intelligence Gone blog reads (just the perfunctory, "Way to go, man" from some commentators who won't even bother clicking his spammed links). He's been too busy with his Asalieri hate blog. :D"

This still doesn't prove squat boy. god your e-sleuthing is fucking horrible.

"Notice how Mr. Kill Ultra/Lasersquad shifted topics as soon as it was shown that a proxy could make Internet access easier through caching? :D He's smoke-screening the fact that he's been driven to a corner. :D

It's also a useful way to deflect the fact that not once did he correctly guess my true identity. He ended up stalking the wrong guy, and he couldn't own up to it, hence this little fiction of "Joe" going to the Philippines when he got the wrong IP address off of me. :D

Now this is what we call "damage control". :D"

You really think you won don't you boy? you haven't won diddly. and it's not damage control.

"I also love how most of the people in the Intelligence Gone Blog criticizing text reviews have blogs with zero comments on each article. The only blog of theirs that's getting comments is... surprise, surprise... the blog about IG. :D Check them out:

I just love how you basically say that we must be jealous. that's really cliche. I'd expect something like that from a Justin Bieber fangirl, not some college frat boy. 

a comment from LadyBuggin777 appears:
"Conspiracy theorist, all of them! They forget to put on their tin foil hats. Atleast Alex Jones has documented proof of his claims, where as Dcmaster and the Dynamite Brony has only a guessing game going on ~"
Alex Jones is nothing but a slimy scuzzbucket who likes to capitalize off of mass shootings just to get more money. he's a piece of shit. Fuck that asshole.
and now back to more rampant egotism from the college boy:

"It's been [2] days since a major mass flagging from the enemy of lulz has taken place. :D Let's see how long it lasts. :D"
enemy of lulz? don't you mean enemy of egotism? 
here's one more for now:

"I love how when the Intelligence Gone Blog and all their (sockpuppet) minions have egg on their faces, they immediately refuse to talk about it while pretending it never existed (just like their fearless leader, Danny-boy). :D

Lasersquad? Doesn't even want my posts to be posted on his Asalieri Shrine. Mr. Kill Ultra? Has stopped editing the IG Wiki because literally only he cares what edits he makes there in a poor attempt at humor. Dynamite Brony? Can't even talk about me anymore either. Micharion? Can't even get his comments straight. The whole LadyBuggin and I are one and the same person? Quietly swept under the the rug. :D"
except, we don't have egg on our faces. Wait, didn't you say Mr. Kill Ultra is Lasersquad? Now you can't even get your story straight. I'm talking about you right now. Micharion has his comments in order shithead. and that hasn't been quietly swept under the rug college boy.
that's a load off my back (for now anyways) until next time everybody, Do the Mario!! (yes the SMBSS is a guilty pleasure of mine)


  1. I haven't been working on the IG sucks blog because I have university studies to do. God that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Has she lost her mind? It barely takes a full day to write a wiki page and lasersquad takes weeks to write like a fucking 500 word page? Nothing about that implies anything, especially since the last time I wrote a wiki page no one really commented on it so I figured people didn't care.

    The next page to do was fucking contra and that would take forever and in fact the last article had me ragequiting as a source of humor. What the hell is wrong with you ladybuggin? You're the only one who seems to care about my IG wiki posts!? You know what I think I'll make one just for you.

    On another note. acting as if everyone who acts against you must be organized and connected is pretty fucking stupid. Isn't lasersquad a she?

    and that last comment. He made the wrong conclusion, its a sign that no one gives a shit about you anymore. You're a dead meme with no intelligence especially now that you're being operated by an idiot who couldn't be funny or lulzy if he tried.



    2. I've also tried to contact Lasersquad but he doesn't seem to give a shit.

  2. Jeez, even my supposily toy review blog is here. :/ Though I considered to delete that blog because I never used it.

    1. It's called stalking when you can't actually figure out something related to the grounds you are debating on just bring up random things painted negative to chewbacca your way out of any logical argument.
