Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bores has powers?

Well it seems like buggin does not really know what she is talking about.

@MrKillUltra: Chris Bores is not a fictional character so your long winded speech is void and invalid. Freedom of speech is protected but your freedom of hate speech isn't. Your posts contain defamation of character, slander; libel against Chris Bores and is quite a different story than the one you THINK can give you protection. Stop pretending you know the law for there are those whom practice the law and know the actual truth. The odds are stacked up against you ~

Funny considering bores can use super powers thus negating your entire first sentence, oh and what is with the void and invalid they mean the same friggin thing. You and other Alex drones use hate speech all the time and very few people call them out on it. Defamaion of character, libel, and slander are pretty much the same thing. Also considering how it can easily be interpreted that he is talking about the character Chris Bores aka the Irate Gamer to have it be defamation of character you will pretty much have to admit that bores also have those powers. Oh and buggin stop trying to make yourself sound smarter than you actually are considering you would never use whom. The up part of that last sentence is completely unnecessary since the phrase is "stacked against you." Oh and buggin you really shouldn't talk about people hiding behind stories considering you at one time said that you have connections to the FBI, which incidentally Alex Jones hates, of course then you never made mention of that again.

Ugh, buggin seriously does get dumber by the day. Really do not like that she tries to call me out on messing up an idiom then actually messes one up. Then of course there is her trying to sound smarter than she actually is when she is completely incapable of spelling youtube correctly with the dang name on the screen. I also abhor the fact that she tries to say that she knows laws when she follows Alex Jones who barely knows what he is talking about. Oh and for those that don't know buggin has tried to call me out as a bigot completely ignoring the fact that almost all of the people that comment on Alex Jones' videos say much worse stuff and she doesn't bat an eyelid.

But enough of that from me I have had my fill of bullshit for this week. May the Sun be with you.


  1. This doesn't seem so hostile... except for the wishing for the sun to be with you, that's not a good thing to wish for at all. The sun is hot and causes cancer, we should not be asking for it to follow or come in direct contact with other people.

    1. So is that a joke? Sorry if I can't differentiate between a joke and someone being serious.

    2. Yes that's a joke. I don't find your writing hostile in this article (as stated previously) and the statement about the sun is meant to be humorous.

    3. Yeah, sorry I just have a hard time picking up on whether someone is serious or joking. Although using the pile driver on buggin might cause an interesting result. She is actually a lot like Hel.

  2. Oh and I love how the entire comment doesn't show any research or actual statements of fact. Under which portion of the law could I possibly be trialed under? Of course this isn't surprising considering I'm dealing with a guy who lied about his college education.

  3. Buggin just posted this on "her" channel:"I'm using a friends computer tonight but I really don't have much to say so guess I won't have much to post.@Daniel: Looks like Beastman35 is a sock account of Dooby's, which we both know is really DoucheBagIsYou. He thinks he's hiding in cognito on the IG hater forum but we all know his rants are easy to recognize. He thinks he's soooo sneaky. Ha. Night all ~"

    Funny, how "she" claims to know my rants. Are that confused Chris, that you take someone posting comments as a rant? Also, I just love watching you make a fool of yourself by claiming I'm someone else in disguise, when you're the one actually trying to disguise who you really are.

    Also, no one buys that you're on a "friends" computer. We know from the fact that you've been using the new comment system that there's nothing actually wrong, and we know from the fact that you've lied before time after time after time, that anything that comes from your mouth can't be trusted at all. We also know that with all the grammar mistakes and misspellings that you make, you're not exactly very bright either.

    By the way, it's incognito. There's no space in the word.

    1. Also, not the time that he posted this comment. It's literally right at 9 or 10 at night. No one in the world ever, is going to let someone use their computer to post a message on youtube, about someone they dislike, that late at night.

      So, I'm calling bullshit once again, Chris. Might as well stop calling Ladybuggin since we all know it's you.

    2. Might as well stop calling you Ladybuggin*

    3. Why call bullshit on the fact that its at freaking 9 at night. Its Chris Bores it took him over 24 hours to come up with that excuse! If we were dealing with someone intelligent they would have found a valid excuse in only less time (as soon as they realized they needed to answer for something).

  4. So, Chris has yet again proven me right. There's absolutely nothing wrong with his computer. Matter of fact, he just posted this on his channel. "I think Mich just got his period :D". So yeah, basically like I said before, Chris is lying his ass off. I would say nice try Chris, but seeing everyone knew from the beginning that you were lying, then I'd say shitty try.

  5. Very interesting thing that I've found about our favorite impersonator. He's went back to one of his old screen names.

    He was going by Ultrafayore, but now he's going by Constantine Chernobyl. What makes this hilarious is that he apparently didn't think anyone would find out, so he went and said some rather not nice things, such as:

    "Special delivery? How about a special delivery of bullets to these fucktards' heads."

    "The reason mexicans don't use condoms is because they're catholic and they don't want the pope to get mad at them. That's why they have so many children who grow up and join gangs. Its a shame really. Too many wetbacks in this country, either deport them or shoot them in the head."

    "Um, every person wants to see Phil's sexy hairy ass. Don't you deny it, either."

    "Dude, fuck you. I have a reason to be angry here. Danny just pisses on all of us, and what do we do? Lick it up like the sheeple we are. I say its time to stop this bullshit and demand that Jon get back on the show. Who's with me, lovelies and cumfaggots? Done with Danny's bullshit. Fucking done. Fake fans can go fuck themselves, too."

    "Keep uploading these montages. Phil doesn't deserve his ad revenue. :D" This one specifically stands out, as I remember hearing somewhere that he was the same way when it came to TGWTG and AVGN as well.

    And then the one thing that always gives him away:

    "TheAdamzBomb PM'ed me: "Stop trying to be a troll. GG is fine the way it is and it probably would be the same with Jon if he was back. I'm ashamed to be a brony when you have that pic as your banner on YouTube.

    Pls remove yourself from YT.
    -Dank Scotch (TheAdamzBomb)"

    >Admitting to being a brony and telling me that I should remove MYSELF from YouTube.

    Are you...... Upset? :D"

    All of that is coming from him, on this channel. It could be possible that it's someone else, but looking at the channel, he still has the same grudge against DynamiteNinja, is subbed to both of Bores accounts, types the same way, and has the same beliefs when it comes to people not getting their ad revenue.

    1. Wow. Danny's a great guy. I get that some folks can't move on, and that the really loved Jon,, that's out of line.

      Also, the rest of the shit the dude said.

  6. Hey there, first time commenting here. :)

    Well, I actually confronted Constantine himself for the first time and this will be the last time I will because he's never going to stop replying to my messages. He asked me do I have a life and I replied to him:

    "Sure I do. Do you have one? :D"

    And he replied:

    "Awwww, DarrenWatson64 doesn't have a life. :D"

    DarrenWatson64 is my Youtube username BTW. Anyways, I replied back:

    "Wow, thanks for contradicting your own question. :D"

    And then he still proceeds to continue acting like I'm in the wrong here. But in the end, I don't feel sad because I can still acknowledge the fact that I'm not some sad being who is going to spend 90% of his lifetime still living with his parents and sitting in front of the computer replying to 'IG haters'. :D
