For those who want to know (Constantine Chernobyl included) why I haven't posted Constantine Chernobyl Comments #5, he hasn't posted anything that's worth responding to. all he does is go after other members of the IG Sucks Blog, calls James Rolfe a plagiarizer of Seanbaby even though Seanbaby does written (or typed) reviews while James Rolfe makes video reviews. Also while on that, Seanbaby's articles about Bible Games, Atari Porn, and Milon's Secret Castle were worded differently from James Rolfe's reviews of those games. While some of Chris Bores's early reviews of games that James already reviewed were worded the same. James Rolfe is not a plagiarizer. Chris Bores is.
These are the two videos that expose Chris Bores as a failure. (credit goes to One176 who redid these videos, and to DrunkenPunk800 who originally made these videos)
that's all for now, hope to see you all in the near future.
You should keep a count of how often CC changes the topic